Friday, January 30, 2009

i did this on facebook, and so i published it here, too.

25 things about you if you're tagged. Then tag 25 other people.

1. I'm only doing this because Heather and Matt both tagged me to.

2. and if I wasn't writing this, I'd be reading about Love's Labours Lost on Sparknotes.

3. Every morning I wake up with a different song stuck in my head. This morning it was Rent, which I haven't listened to since Junior year.

4. I sleep in a bunk bed in my apartment.

5. Every morning my roommate turns the thermostat way up, and the heat is what wakes me. Then I get out of bed and turn it way down.

6. I'm trying to decide what to do with my life. It's easy to choose a major. A minor is hard because it decides what you'll do with your major, especially as ambiguous a major as English.

7. I miss all my friends. Whether you're in Minnesota, London, South Provo, or the Riv. I don't see you enough.

8. I am a model for art classes at BYU. It is not nude. Don't freak out.

9. I have a big bookshelf in my house filled with dozens of books, but whenever I'm looking for a specific book, it's never there.

10. My phone refuses to download a freaking ringtone and I'm sick of it.

11. I'm listening to the Sufjan Steven's Christmas Album, even though it's almost February.

12. I have two big Beatles posters in my house, and four little ones.

13. Paul is my favorite Beatle.

14. The idea of Valentines day scares me, because this is the first year I'm dating someone during February.

15. I am teaching myself the guitar. I am not terribly good, but I can get by.

16. I got a new journal on the 7th of this month. It's nearly full.

17. I usually write on my blog every day at least once, and I LOVE comments more than anything.

18. I'm writing a young adult novel. I'm about 50 pages in. I just figured out the main conflict, and I've been very anxious thinking of it.

19. I am very happy with my body, and usually my appearance in general.

20. I do wish I would go exercising, but I'm too lazy.

21. I kind of want to go tanning, but promised I would not.

22. I'm taking French. I love it, but I am bad at it.

23. Lisa is coming to visit me!

24. I have pirated copies of Slumdog Millionaire, Garden State, all three seasons of Arrested Development, and Harry Potter books on tape.

25. I am happy.

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