Thursday, January 29, 2009

good news

I cry a lot. Almost daily.
Today I had a good cry.
It really was good, too. It was happy crying.
It seems silly when I try to make sense of why I was crying, but here goes.

My uncle Renn is getting married.
(and he neglected to call and tell me --though that's not why I cried.)
My mom told me.
First I was dumbfounded.
Literally. I was speechless, I couldn't think to form sentences. It was super unexpected for me. I've only met this girl once, and even though I liked her, it was a strange idea that she would be the new Aunt Kiera Patch in my life.

Then I texted Katie to tell her. I needed to tell someone, and everyone else in the family already knew, apparently. Katie's response: What Temple?
For the first time I started to feel kind of sentimental, like "Ah! Renn is getting married in the temple!" I've known a lot of people to get married recently, and all I ever feel is a sort of polite excitement. "Yay, you're getting married. It's nice you'll be so happy. Today I want a sandwich."
Then I called and talked to Renn, handed out the congratulations, repeated exclaimations of my exceitment, and made him promise to fit a double date in with Travis and I while he has a busy schedule.
Then I hung up.
Then I lost it.
I sat in my walk-in closet and cried, especially gasping choking tears, too, since I was trying to be quiet so as to not freak out the roommates.
Oh my goodness, what is wrong with me? There's no way I can handle a wedding if I lose it after hearing an engagment story.
Congratulations, Renn and Kiera. I'm sure you won't read this post, but I'm super happy for you.


Lana said...

You wouldn't want a sandwich. That's unrealistic. You hate sandwiches. :)

travis pitcher said...

I agree with Lana. No pizza either. But maybe a nice melody of compassion, love, and a bit of felicity and it sounds like you have yourself a nice cry.

That didn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

No, it so didn't make sense.
and when I wrote that I wanted a sandwich I thought to myself "Lana is going to fight that statement."

Lana said...

I'm glad you know me so well.

Polly said...

I cried too, and in fact I keep crying.

MARCIE said...

Jeeze, you are all nuts!