Sunday, January 11, 2009

don't be scared, be jealous.

I have excellent taste in friends.
If I do say so myself.

Want to know about my newest friend?
(Alright Travis, I stole this picture from your facebook. Don't be scared.)
hehehe. This picture makes me giggle. I still enjoy it. That might be why I enjoy it.
This is Travis Pitcher.
"Why Becky!" I hear you bellowing, "Why is there no post of me, your other dear friend, whom you have known longer?"
Probably because you're not as nice to me as Travis Pitcher.

Want to hear the list of nice things Travis Pitcher has done/is doing for Becky since like... Thursday?
1. Despite having a ticket (via Travis Pitcher), I couldn't get into see the Fictionalists (Good Morning, Maxfield -- they changed their name), due to a fire hazard and having a ton of people already in Velour. Travis Pitcher was at the concert. He felt bad I couldn't come. Travis Picther bought me a freaking CD.

What up.

2. Mug. You already saw it. <here> He made it. It's sweet.
3. This is my (okay... Lana's) guitar. He tuned it. He also played the song that I wrote, but he played it better.
Then it sounded like a real song. Freaking sweet.
4. I decided to stay home and watch President Monson's devotional from home because my feet hurt and I didn't want to walk. Travis Pitcher came to get me. After I told him not to come get me. Today I saw the prophet.
I love the prophet so dearly. His talk was sweet, and even though my pen died and notes I could not take, I learned a lot.
5. Were going to SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL! Ah! That's a life long goal that I can cross off the list after Friday. I'm so excited. Travis Picther figured out how to get tickets, something I could not figure out.
For those of you who are not as good at making friends as me, I would advise you to befriend film majors if at all possible.
Anyways, that's all.
Thanks, Travis. You are too nice to me.

but feel free to keep it up.


Polly said...

Poor Lana is in England without a guitar? I'm sad to hear your foot is still bothering you. I'm not sure what to do about that. Your foot DR. knows a good doctor in SLC though if you get desperate. It is nice to have new friends, I have one too and I'm happy.

travis pitcher said...

you deserve it. that is all.