Monday, January 19, 2009

Alright, Lauren Elizabeth Bingham

I know it's only been about 10 minutes since I informed you that I desired all of the polaroids.
But I am already sick of waiting.

I'm not a terribly patient person. (You know.)

Alright, Travis David Pitcher.
(I hope that's your middle name, I couldn't remember)
I wanted to play my guitar today. YOUR fault that I couldn't.

Yes. I'm blaming you.

Alright, Lana Alyese Pewitt.
You're causing trouble in London and panic in the United States.
Reign yourself in, and then CALL ME. After we hung up today, Soph left, and I tried to call you back. My call was refused, and then you logged off.

I assume this was an accident.

Alright, Paige (won't tell me her middle name) Neunschwander.
Why aren't you living here, again?
I can't remember.

But if you insist on living elsewhere, I insist that you spend your time with me anyways.

Alright, Missionary Training Center.
I'm quitting, but only secretly. Because I"m just asking to be put on-call and taken off the schedule.
Now I don't have to give two weeks notice, and if I ever feel like working there again, I can.

I beat the system.

Alright, Rebeccah Louise Froelich.
It's time to not be so freaking fat.
You have gained weight this semester, already. You just don't know because you threw away Lana's scale in an act of defiance/rebellion.

When Lauren calls, you will answer. But only if Lauren is calling to exercise.


travis pitcher said...

wow. ummm... i should have done that today. i will get it done soon. until then, to show you i mean it, i will lend you my taylor. it is steel string, but it sings like the sun breaking over the mountains.

ps. are you feeling frustrated? this was a mad post. but a fair post none the less.

Polly said...

Awesome, for the first time ever, I wasn't blamed for anything. Why are you quitting your job?

Lauren said...

I'll get that done.

Lana said...

You threw away my scale?! You owe me a new one!

And I'll be on tonight hopefully. I love you, and want to talk more. Lauren talked with me. And Hilary made me feel better. This all just sucks a bit. But I'm strong and I know what to do. So don't panic. I'll be more than Ok. because I've learned, so I'll be better.

Mary said...

you should get a membership to a gym or go to the free campus one. : ) then you stop feeling fat.