Friday, December 5, 2008

this is michael cera

i love him.

First I saw arrested development. I was skeptical. One of my friends had blasphemed and told me it was funnier than the Office. The funniest show they had ever seen.
Then another told me the same.
They were right. Best show ever.

Then I saw Juno. I had heard from friends that it was the most wonderful movie they'd ever seen. I had heard from my mother (who heard from Glenn Beck) not to ever see it.
But, I was my own woman, no? Well that movie ended and I lay in my bed feeling happy and sad and loving people and needing a hug.
Then I started it over and watched it once more from the beginning. I bought the soundtrack. I bought the movie. I cherish it. It is in my top ten.
or top five.

Then I saw Super Bad. This is how that happened. I was at a sleep over between semesters last year, and someone announced to the shocked room of girls that they had never seen Super Bad. Despite my arguments, it was put in. "That's fine," thought I, "I'm a big girl, I'll just go to sleep."
Yeah right. I did not like Super Bad, and left after about a half hour, but the half hour I was there I got to see Michael Cera being darling. So darling.

Then last night a few friends had me over for a movie that was stupid. I left and came home, where I discovered a different group of my friends just embarking for the dollar theater. I trailed along. We got there. I paid for a movie I had never heard of. and was pleasantly surprised that Michael Cera was the Co-Star of this "Pro-Indie Kids, and their music" movie. It was not the best movie, but I'm going to admit that I left feeling warm and happy. It was sweet, had a great soundtrack, and was totally unexpected. Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist. I went to a bad movie and left, and was rewarded instead with a boy whom I adore.

Anyways, last year over Christmas Break all the girls I was with spent their time talking about Michael Cera.
"I don't know," I said. "I think he's super weird, and a little creepy, even."
"What, Really?" asked Kate, "because I think I am in love with him!"

Okay Kate, you win. I love him too.

1 comment:

Polly said...

How sad that Arrested Development isn't on anymore. He is super funny!