Thursday, December 11, 2008

one more class

I have a class at one.
I don't want to go, but I feel that I ought to.
It's the last class of the semester.

I have several study groups to attend, work to skip, essays to turn in before five, body world to enjoy...
oh. and several impossibly difficult finals to fail.

but past that... can you believe it?
This semester flew by so quickly. Impossibly fast.
My first semester went by at a normal speed, I'd say. Maybe that's because I was busy making so many friends and doing so much stuff that each week seemed very full, and not like it flew by too quickly.
But it feels like every freaking morning THIS semester, I rolled out of bed and thought, "geez, is it already Thursday? Where has the week gone?" (of course that could be because of this).
but really.

today was the last day of the best class I have ever taken. Everyone who goes to BYU, mark this down: Professor Paul Westover = freaking awesome/take his classes.

after he finished "wrapping up" the semester, I leaned over to whisper to my neighbor, "I feel like we should clap, or something."
around the words "we should" the majority of the class rose to their feet and began applauding.
what did I tell you? It was wonderful. Remember, kids: Westover.

anyway, I guess I should finish the homework that is required of me before attending my last class of the semester.
It's going to include a lot of lying and BS, something I feel bad doing at BYU, due to all of the "Honor Code" posters on campus, and i feel bad, due to the class itself.
But really, is a New Testament class really any different than any other?

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