Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Valley

My mom had never heard anyone say that before.
She laughed and laughed.
Happy Valley.

Geez louise, who named this valley?

Saturday night I heard two Happy Valley boys say they had never heard of anti-mormon literature.
and they didn't know Jesus created the world.
I don't think they're bad mormons, not even a little, I just can't imagine being sheltered like that. I think it must be easier to be a mormon outside of utah, because then you're forced to figure out exactly what you believe.

I worry when I see people raised in the church who don't serve missions. I know their mothers taught them. Their fathers gave them the priesthood. Their bishops checked up on them and loved them, and they went on youth trips to all the places where testimonies are born.
What if my children grow up and decide they don't care? What if Jack doesn't serve a mission?

I was baptized when I was eight. I was just a little girl. Jack is going to get the priesthood in a year. He's just a little boy. He's going to go on a mission when he's nineteen. I'm still not a grown up now, and he won't be either. All my friends on missions are still just dorky 19 year old boys.
I've noticed that the Lord gives the important tasks to children.
Of course, the prophet is old, and so is the bishop. Daddys seem old when you're a little girl, but by the time you're the age he was when you started being around, all you can think is "What was he thinking having a wife and baby when he was just a kid?"
Yeah, that was one sentence, and yeah my parents were about two years younger than I am now when they got married.

I literally know hundreds of married teenagers.
I know four girls getting married this month. Ages: 18, 19, 20, 23

They are all so cute. But really, they're crazy. Not crazy for getting married, they are just a little nutso, and they all found nutso men to love them. The perfect mix for each of them. You'd think that I --admittedly crazy, but not as crazy as some of the above-- could at least find a boyfriend in the thousands-some good, handsome, mormon boys on campus. I don't mind if he's crazy, if it's good crazy.

I don't know what I want. But this is what I feel: Everyone here is a child. Like children, we need someone else to take care of us. Like all little girls, we want to play house, and have a little boy to hold hands with, and help rock the dolls to sleep.
I wish I had a best friend to love me, the way I could when I was little. But now I wish I had him to keep. Best friends for life, right?
Everyone else has a boy, and I am a jealous little girl. I want one too.