Tuesday, December 16, 2008

because I can't stop myself

My roommate Lauren makes me cooler.
She gives me music.
She makes me happy inside.

Look at how freaking wonderful Vampire Weekend is.
I would have any of these men.

Please go to stuffwhitepeoplelike.com, then click on the link that says "Full List of Stuff White People Like"

Also, look at this photo: Today in the shower I shaved my legs. After one terrific hair shaving swipe, I flicked the hair from my razor. Unfortunately I flicked the razor into my thigh. I have a cut as long as my index finger. I didn't want to towel off because I wanted a picture of it.
My roommate Hil took this, and it was kind of hard, since it's pretty high on my leg, and I wanted to remain unexposed.
And last, but not least:
Let's look closer at Provo. It's is wonderfully cold without being freezing, and look! little snowflakes! Yes, that's right! Today it snowed! I built a snowman! I drank hot cocoa! I had to wear my gloves on my unstockinged feet walking home from my final this morning, uphill. in the snow. below freezing. at 8 in the morning.
We love the snow, though. Good times, winter times.


Lauren said...

False. YOU love the snow. I like watching the snow from inside with a cup of hot cocoa, but I HATE SNOW.

I still love you, though.

Polly said...

I'm glad you had to wear your gloves on your feet. Maybe someday you'll learn.