Saturday, November 1, 2008

Queen of Halloween

I love Halloween and live it to its fullest.

Here are some things wonderful about this particular Halloween.
The night before Halloween, I won second place in the men's halloween costume contest at the French Club, as Peter Pan.
If you were wondering why I could get second place, it's because Peter is a boy.
Just a little boy who never grows up.
My costume wasn't even finished yet.

That evening we carved pumpkins. The best pumpkin I have ever carved, which reminds Paige of Patrick.
His name is Chester.
The pumpkins are Left to Right: Lana's -- Slinky Malinki, Lauren -- geez, I forgot, that little guy had a name, and Mine -- Chester.

Then we watched Sixth Sense and Halloween Town (It was a busy night).
We were just honing in our thirteen Halloween Movies of October.
1 It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
2. He loves me, He loves me not
3. Vertigo
4. Halloween Town
6. Sixth Sense
7. Sleepy Hollow
8. The Addams Family
9. The Corpse Bride
10. Hocus Pocus
11. The Little Vampire
12. Casper
and number 13 which we went to in 3D on Halloween Night!
The Nightmare Before Christmas!

Halloween Night:
These are my beautiful roommates:
A lovely Geisha is a kimono she got from Japan. Check out Lana here.

and of course, Frodo Baggins, of the Shire.
You can see Lauren's lovely blog here. But don't get your hopes up, she never updates. :)

All five of us got dressed up, and then took some dates with us to party. Some of us love our costumes and characters more than others.
My roommates got pretty sick of me saying things like "Peter Pan doesn't wear a seatbelt." or, "I wish had a hammock, Peter loves hammocks." But at least Michael, loved to talk about John Stockton in third person too.
Thanks friend. (This is Lauren's Date). Michael's blog is here. Isn't this fun? I love using links to other blogs!
John Stockton.

Here is the group upon leaving our dorm.

We have Jackie O. (Hilary) and her date, The Mailman (Jonny), Frodo and her date John Stokton, Paige the Cowgirl, Peter Pan, The Geisha, and her Date The RM. (You can't tell, but he was wearing dress shoes and had a ring in his pocket. Oh, Patrick. We will miss you.)
Why, Becky, you may say, where is your date?
He didn't come to the movie, but he came later for the rest of the fun.
This is he: Macord Johnson: Pirate
We werealso joined by Ryan Bingham, otherwise known as Jeff Goldbloom.

First we went to Nightmare Before Christmas, then off to the first party.
The Lee's, Lauren's family. They made us homemade doughnuts, apple cider, and there was lots of nineties music going on. Mary and Daryl were dressed as Thing 1 and Thing 2, and it was wonderful, as they are both BYU Professors, and almost all of us had had at least one of them in class.
I currently have Daryl for French Cinema. Geez, I hope I get an A in that Class. Sophie and Spenser had joined us for the movie, and were there at the Party, but I realize now I don't have a single picture of the Lady Bug, and her boyfriend, Backpack Boy.

After the Lee's Lana and Patrick headed home to watch a movie, and the rest of us went to a dance party. Lana took her camera and so the pictures end here. We were at the second party for like an hour, before moving on to another, where we stayed for like a half hour, and then another for maybe 40 minutes. Of course by then it was late, and we were hungry. We ate at the Village Inn, where we got tricked, into buying boiling water and a tea packet, in place of Camomile. And I downed some fries (with the "help" of Jeff Goldbloom) while freezing.
Guess what.
I only just woke up.
It was a good night. a really, really good night.
On a second, Halloween note. This is my beautiful family. The Nerd, the Pumpkin, and the Kitty. Check out the family blog, here. And GUESS WHAT! Last night at dance party 1, I got a special call from the Pumpkin who is COMING TO VISIT!
I think I want to have a come meet my sister Mary Party on Monday night, since you all know all about her.
I will. Just come love her.
Happy First of November.

1 comment:

Polly said...

If you get anything besides A's in your classes, I will assume it is because you watch too many movies!
I'm glad you had a fun night. We would've bored you to death.