Monday, November 17, 2008

a few things

“Last night I had a dream that I was at prom in the mall and my date was Sully from Monsters Inc, but he had painted himself purple, and was wearing a striped t-shirt. He wasn’t even wearing pants, and I was super upset, because”

“Becky, how many times do I have to tell you that your dreams are stupid and boring and no one wants to hear them?”

“Mom, that’s mean, I’m trying to tell you about my life.”

“Blah Blah Blah, don’t you ever read the comments I write on your blog? Your dreams are possibly stupidest thing ever.”

I was thinking last week about trying to major in art of some sort, or maybe philosophy.
But I decided I was happy having both majors in one.
Major: English
Emphasis: Writing
Can’t I be an artist and philosopher at the same time?
I am pleased to say, that I absolutely can.

things that bum me out:
- I can't register for classes yet
- I'm not going to London
- Lauren is NOT coming for Thanksgiving
- I have nowhere to live come winter semester
- my fingers hurt
- I'm out of food
- I have yet to get a letter this month from someone beside Clark
- I can't find (and consequently woo) a young man that I am interested in
- I don't speak any languages besides English and I'm having trouble with that one
- Harry Potter didn't come out today like it was supposed to, but comes out NEXT JULY. (see the freaking awesome trailer that will make you pee your pants below)

things that are totally rad:
- I need only take the classes I please (and Physical Science) next semester
- Lana and Hilary are going to buy me gifts from my favorite city on the planet besides Buffalo
- Lana IS coming for Thanksgiving (I leave IN ONE WEEK!)
- I've sold my Glenwood Contract and never have to live here again
- I bought a guitar and am learning, slowly
- I ate a whole bowl of frosting today
- I got a letter from Elder Ostvig today, my third this month? or fourth... but who's counting?
- I started watching Gossip Girls today. It's all the drama I need in my life.
- I'm taking French 101 next semester
- Lauren and I went online to buy Twilight at midnight tickets (SOLD OUT ALREADY?) and got tickets for friday afternoon. Talk about 5 dollar matinee, I'm dressing as a vampire, even though I'm going the day AFTER it opens.

Whad up?

I freaking love my roommates.

Today Lauren looked up at me suddenly:
"Becky, have you ever had deep fried pickles?"
"Like... covered in batter?"
"Yeah. They're weird..."

Hilary and Jonny left to hike the Y. Lana did not go. Paige said:
"Why didn't you go? Didn't want to make it a three some? I would have gone."

Then we were watching the Count of Monte Cristo, when Lana wanders into the living room. "Hey, you guys, can you pause that quick?"
we do so.
"So I was just in my room... thinking about JFK and stuff... and I made up a new motto for our apartment. Ask not what your roommates can do for you, but... you know, what you can do for your roommates. I wrote it on this paper. I'm going to hang it on the wall. Can you see it if I put it here?"

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