Sunday, November 30, 2008

Elder Ostvig

(One of the Mission Pictures that didn't quite work out.)

This post is about Clark Ostvig, because I am grateful that he is on his mission. I am especially grateful today. Even though that's only because today I really miss him.
Last December, a year ago, he came over and we finished his mission papers. I took a picture for him to mail to the prophet. He mussed up his hair and we had to do it over and again. Then he told me his password, so later I could go online and load the picture to the church website for him. Who did your mission papers, Clark?
He's been gone nine months. and still I pick up my phone every once and awhile to call him and see if he wants to hang out. I usually remember right before I press the green little call button.
I went on his facebook secretly several times after that, just because it was fun to know I could. I knew his password. But a few months ago I tried to get on and it wouldn't let me. His password had been changed.
Needless to say, in my next letter I told him I needed his facebook password.

I get about a letter a week from Clark, and they're always filled with the same old things, "I love the work, I love the people, I love my companions, yada yada yada." I've heard it all.
He's planning on asking for an extension when the time comes because he loves serving, and he loves the gospel so much. In nearly every letter he says "I love being a missionary so much, Beck. I will never stop being a missionary. I don't need to be on a mission to teach the gospel."

Over the months I have gotten a few pictures. Now that I have his facebook password, I put them on the internet so everyone can have pictures of Elder Ostvig. He's such a good example.
Here's the link to the PICTURES.
I only have a few, but I like them.
(Elder Ostvig and the Elvis impersonater that lived below him)

When I was gospel doctrine teacher over the summer I read a few things to my class from Clark's letters, just because they were so sweet, and girls in the class who had brothers or boyfriends on missions would cry.
The entire Thanksgiving Break I thought about Clark, because last year over Thanksgiving we went to Vegas. Just the two of us, and a huge stinking busful of people. When my cousins went to a movie this year I thought about going to see Dan in Real Life in a Casino a few blocks from Clark's sister's house. Everything reminded me that a year has gone by since my first Thanksgiving away from home. But it wasn't that bad, because I had a piece of home with me.
(This is us on the bus to Nevada. Sadly, this is one of the better pictures from the trip.)

I've known Clark since I was a little girl. I have a very distinct memory of whispering to my mother (as probably a nine year old) that I had a crush on Clark Ostvig.
"Well, he's a good boy, and very cute," said my mom approvingly.
Mary teased me about it all day, and when we went to church she taunted me, promising she would tell.
I can't remember if she did or not. But I do remember being plenty mad.
Anyway, this was pretty scatter-brained, but looking at all Clark's pictures today, and reading his last letter made me a little sad.
But after that, it made me happy. Because I know he's having the time of his life, and blessing so many people. I love missionaries and am so proud and so happy when boys I know serve missions. Keep up the good work, and take care. Love Becky


Mary said...

You are going to marry Clark and thats all there is to it my dear sister, and I approve.

P.S. I told clark that sunday you loved him and dad spanked me.

Polly said...

whatever Mary! She remembers everything, or thinks she does. Very sweet post! I love all the pictures, especially the one that didn't turn out. I'm glad Thanksgiving away from us was a good experience. I liked being with you this year!