Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Uni-Mind

I just wanted to address the uni-mind.
My old seminary teacher/bishop Paul Stanley knew all about the uni-mind. He told us all about it.
the uni-mind is what connects all women. So I can make any one of these faces in any sort of context

and my girl friends know what I am thinking, but more than that, most women could figure out what I mean.
A girl who lives by me came over to tell us about her unfortunate date. Apparently, while introducing her to his roommate and his girlfriend he forgot her name she and the roommates girlfriend exchanged a silent conversation, and then were better friends. While she was sharing this story, in a very crazy manner, my roommates and I exchanged a silent conversation about how completely nuts she is.
The uni-mind.

1 comment:

Polly said...

Let me see... your pictures are saying
1. I really need to pee
2. hmm should I go now?
3. Oops, too late.

anyone else have any ideas?