Tuesday, October 28, 2008

today I wrote a Children's Book for my sister

Katie Mae Kitty
was the littlest cat
she had three older sisters
and a brother, at that!

Katie Mae Kitty
could not go to school,
she could not use the oven
or swim alone in the pool.

Katie Mae Kitty
felt smaller than small
she thought, if she could,
she'd grow a hundred feet tall!

She'd do what she wanted
and go where she pleased
and Katie Mae Kitty
would never be teased

Katie Mae Kitty
would have fish every night
she'd drink chocolate milk
and stay out all night.

So Katie Mae Kitty
sat down with her mother
and asked if she could
be as old as her brother.

She asked to do what
the older cats do
to use the remote
to swim in the pool.

And Katie Mae Kitty's
Mama Cat said,
"If you're a big kitty,
you sleep in your own bed.

"Your mama won't wash you,
or sing you to sleep,
so think to yourself
what you want to keep.

"You can't keep your toys,
but that's not so bad,
the worst little bit
can hardly be had.

"Katie Mae Kitty,
listen and think,
your mama can't hold you
if you grow up too quick.

"Your sisters can't take you
up in their arms.
Your brother can't keep you
safe from all harms.

"Your daddy can't have you
sit on his lap,
and your mama will miss
her littlest cat."

So Katie Mae Kitty
thought of the pool,
she thought about fish,
she thought about school.

Then she thought sadly
of her family's paws
her daddy's, her sisters',
Her brother's and mom's.

Those paws couldn't hold her,
tuck her in at night.
So Katie Mae thought,
she thought hard, and thought right.

"Oh Mama Cat,"
Katie Mae Kitty meowed,
"I think I'll only do
the things I'm allowed.

I don't want to be bigger,
I don't need more fish
I just want my family
to love me like this.

I want them to hold me,
and take care when I'm ill
I don't want to be bigger,
but a little cat, still."

And Mama Cat pulled
her little cat close
and gave her a kiss
on her little pink nose.

Katie Mae Kitty
was the littlest one
of all seven cats,
but she had the most fun,

Because every night
her mom cleaned her fur,
she tucked her in tight
and started to purr.

And as Katie Mae Kitty
falls fast asleep
she thinks of the things
that she wants to keep.


Polly said...

thanks for the story big sister Becky!
frfytwbhfhtghkcccc bgbjjonnjhugiiiy7y5f love Kathryn

Nana B said...

you are taking after your great grandfather with the poetry you are writing. It brings back many fond memories of seeing my dad write poems for his children and grandchildren. Keep it up. Love you. Grandma

Lana said...

hey so lets collaborate. I'll do the illustrations you add the words, and we'll be published!