Sunday, October 5, 2008

I want my pumpkins,

Lana: I did that first. I did that when I was still in an egg.

Lauren: What?

Lana: When my brother and I were little he would talk about how he would come visit me in my egg, when we were both eggs, and we would have great adventures with our dog, who was also an egg.

Lauren: We would say that when mom was pregnant we could see out of her mouth.

Me: Man, it's too bad the sperm never reached that egg.

Lana: What does that mean?

Me: You could have a dog brother, like Stewart Little.

Lana: Yes, but the Little's adopted Stewart, he wasn't born to them.

Me: Yes, he was.

Lana: No. They adopted him, he couldn't have been born to that family, I know he was adopted.

Me: In the movie he was adopted, but not in the books.

Lauren: Look it up.

Me: I don't need to, I know I'm right!

Lauren: Let's make a bet.

Me: What will be my prize when I win?

Lauren Five pumpkins! [candy corn]

Me: Great, then if you're right it'll be a pain, because I'll have to go buy more candy corn.

Lauren: I don't want five pumpkins!

Me: Then I don't either, I want something better.

Lauren: If Stewart was adopted then you have to vacuum my room next Saturday.

Lana: If Stewart was adopted, then Becky has to do the dishes all week!

Me: No, no way. That sucks.

Lana: No, that's the bet.

Me: Fine, it doesn't matter because I'm right.

*Several minutes are spent online, searching, before Lauren reads the following:*

Lauren:" The movie differs in the book in that Stewart was adopted and not born into the family..."

Lana: That's not even possible!

Me: It doesn't matter, because I'm right! You guys owe me.

Lana: I don't think anything was decided on.

Me: I don't think I should have to do dishes all week.

Lana: Your prize is that you get to do dishes. All week.

Me: No way, that was so smart of me, and totally knew that. I get five pumpkins at least.

Lauren: You said you didn't want five pumpkins. You get nothing.


Lauren said...

This conversation is very typical.

obkebe said...

i totally heard this story first hand.

obkebe said...

well almost. . .