Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Willows End

Today we had a "Cleaning Check," which more or less means that the Glenwood administration gives everyone a list of chores, and then comes to make sure that we have not yet destroyed our rooms.
Our apartment was so clean that I could not help taking pictures of it.
You can see my lovely home, this is Willows End.

This is my bedroom, see my lovely quilt? My grandmother made it for me.
I share a room with Paige, who is also lovely.

This is Lauren and Lisa's room. I drew most of the pictures above Lauren's bed. Thank you, thank you. *bows*
Lisa is engaged, so we hardly see her, but we really like her. Things couldn't have worked out better.

This is Lana and Hilary's room. There are also two beds and a desk and all, but I wanted you to see her lovely fabric, hanging on the walls as papering.

This is one side of our living room. We have big beautiful leather couches.

This is the other side of our living room. We have a big beautiful book case. A quote wall. A hula hoop. A pile of games. Two fur rugs, not pictured. :) This is a fun room.

This is our clean clean kitchen. See my lunch? Pineapple Juice and Rice made with broth instead of water.
I'm such a healthy girl.

On either side of our counter you see the bathrooms. Each with a full bath and toilet. How grand!

that was a tour.


Anonymous said...

you clean up well.
i'm proud to know you.

Polly said...

cute table cloth, how sophisticated.
Your apartment looks great! I keep meaning to tell you I've seen super cute wall clings at the dollar store, peel and stick, they just peel off again when you want. I've even seen borders at Target, and Home Depot! Really cool, we put Disney Princesses in Kathryn's room all over, I'm sure that's not your thing, but maybe something else is???

Lisa said...

I love your room, well, you mostly. I love all the pictures!!! TADAAAAA.

Lauren said...

long ago.

i miss you all.
